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So what is feminism about, really?
June 17th, 2010 | Events, Gender-based Violence, News, Views
By Meiling Wong
Our first Gender Matters workshop on the history of feminism threw up a good deal of insightful debate and discussion. Join us for the second and third instalments of our Gender Matters series, where you will learn about how gender roles took shape over time, the impact of these conventions and expectations on our beliefs and behaviours, and discover what feminism can offer you.
For instance, as a child, were you given dolls when you really wanted to play with trucks or Lego? Were you compelled to learn to cook when you would rather have gone to welding class?
Today, when you choose clothes for your daughter or niece, do you automatically go for the reds and pinks? Do you wear high heels because YOU really like them or because thats whats expected of a woman?
Women today appear to have many choices. Or do we? To what extent are our choices dictated or influenced by social conventions?
Gender is not just a matter of the physical attributes of being a boy or a girl. There are the social norms that say women have prime responsibility for the home and that men are the main breadwinners. There are certain expectations about what a woman should look like, and be like.
At our Gender Matters workshops you will learn about the evolution of feminism, how gender roles took shape over time, and the impact of these conventions and expectations on our beliefs and behaviours.
There will be three workshops, all held at night at the AWARE Centre.
Date : 21 June (Monday)
Time : 7pm 9pm
The Princess Ideology Deconstructing the Fairy Tales
By Professor Sankaran Chitra from NUS
Date : 5 August (Thursday)
Time : 7pm 9pm
What does Feminism mean to me?
Date : 26 August (Thursday)
Time : 7pm 9pm
Cost per workshop:
Single : $15
Pair : $25
AWARE members who log in before purchasing will get a 40% discount. Thats just $9 per person or $15 for two persons!