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Roundtable: “Alienation and the Disappearance of Things”
This August, we are proud to have Constance Singam, Singaporean writer and activist, at our roundtable discussion.
The theme for this month’s roundtable is “Alienation and the Disappearance of Things”, excerpts from her memoir “Where I was: A Memoir from the Margins”
Date: Saturday, August 17th
Time: 3pm
Please click here to register!
About the Speaker:

About the Book: “Where I Was is a rich, entertaining and compelling account of the life of an extraordinary woman. In a land of many cultures, many races, many religions; in a state where politics and public policies impinge, sometimes callously, on the daily lives of its denizens, Constance Singam is an individual marginalised many times over by her status as a woman, an Indian, a widow and a civil society activist. Through humorous and moving accounts, Constance captures in words the images of the people, places and events that are the source of her most powerful memories. These images are connected to key turning points in her personal journey, set against or within the context of important historical events.”
For further information, please contact Sahar at sahar@aware.org.sg