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Dialogue Session: Sons and Daughters
September 10th, 2015 | Children and Young People, Gender-based Violence, Muslim Women's Rights, News
Join Yes, All Men and Gender Equality IS Our Culture (GEC) in talking about the different ways sons and daughters are treated in the family. How do religious and cultural ideas about men and women shape your role in your family? What hopes do your parents have of you as a son or a daughter?
It can be difficult to balance our dreams with the expectations of our elders. How can we respond when we disagree with what they want from us as sons or daughters? How do we keep the peace, yet move away from traditional ideas of what a son must achieve or how a daughter must behave?
Share your thoughts and stories in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space. Explore practical strategies for responding to these conflicts in the home.
Date: 26 September 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 7pm-9pm
Venue: AWARE Centre, 5 Dover Crescent, #01-22, Singapore 130005
This session is open to anyone aged 18-25 years old.
Register here.