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Who should win the AWARE Awards in 2016?

July 1st, 2016 | AGM and AWARE Updates, News

This year’s annual fundraising gala goes big: WORLD Ball – Around the world in a day will celebrate AWARE’s work on gender equality advocacy in Singapore – which wouldn’t be possible without all those who have helped to pave the way towards a more equal and inclusive society. The AWARE Awards honour those who contribute to gender equality, and the ALAMAK Awards, are given to those who, unfortunately, do the opposite. And we want your nominations!

AWARE Awards

Since 2011, AWARE has been celebrating those who further gender equality with the AWARE Awards. The winners this year will be announced at our fundraising gala, the WORLD Ball, on 17 October. Click here to see the winners of 2015.

Do you know anyone who has contributed significantly to gender equality in Singapore?

Fill this short form to nominate people or organisations who you think deserve the AWARE Award 2016! You can read FAQs and eligibility criteria here. Nominations will close at the end of August.

ALAMAK! Awards

Although we are well into the 21st century, there are still remarks, commercials and policies that perpetuate gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes. So we created the ALAMAK! Awards, an annual search for the most annoying, you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me instances of sexism in Singapore. Did you witness a jaw-dropping instance of sexism over the last year? Nominate it for this year’s ALAMAK Award.

Click here to send us your nomination.