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Aim For Zero: Dani’s story of workplace harassment
May 10th, 2019 | Gender-based Violence, News, Workplace Harassment, Your Stories
At a work meeting, Dani’s boss repeatedly propositioned her in a graphically sexual manner. After she rejected his advances, he continued to harass and bully her, until she finally left the company.
Today, she speaks up courageously, calling for zero tolerance for sexual harassment at workplaces everywhere.
AWARE’s Aim For Zero campaign is fighting for a society without sexual violence of all forms. At http://aimforzero.sg/employers, find a list of steps you can take at your company to stem harassment at the workplace.
Consider reaching out to Catalyse Consulting, AWARE’s corporate training division. Catalyse’s “Managing Workplace Harassment” workshop explores the grey areas of harassment in the workplace and facilitates discussion based on real-life scenarios. Email catalyse@catalyse.sg with any inquiries.
Lastly, if you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like to seek support and advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to AWARE’s Sexual Assault Care Centre. Call 6779 0282 from Mon-Fri, 10am-10pm.