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Aim For Zero Campaign Wrap: 2018 – 2020

March 5th, 2021 | Gender-based Violence, News

November 2020 marked the official end of our two-year campaign against sexual violence, Aim For Zero.

We launched the campaign in 2018, some time after the #MeToo movement erupted and calls spiked at our Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC). But the two-year span between November 2018 and 2020 was far more eventful than we had anticipated, with a number of high-profile local sexual violence cases in the news and a fresh groundswell of dialogue on- and off-line, of which we were proud to be a part. Social media posts about sexual violence, under Aim For Zero, reached nearly 2 million users across our various platforms.

We want to express our deep gratitude to everyone who played a part in Aim For Zero: from our brave campaign spokespeople, to the close to 1,000 individuals who took part in our Sexual Assault First Responder Trainings (SAFRT), and the many more who pledged their commitment to the cause on our site. We also received almost 200 requests for partnerships and collaborations over the two years, and were able to contribute advice, feedback and guidance to different community stakeholders.

With the end of the campaign, we are putting a pause on such collaborations for the time being. This will allow SACC to focus on clients and centre operations, as demand for our services continues to be high. However, building upon the success of SAFRT, we’ll be continuing to organise sessions open to the public in 2021 and beyond. Also, the website aimforzero.sg will still be up and running as a resource and a platform for survivors’ stories. You can also still fill in the pledge form—we’ll add you to our Aim For Zero mailing list, which will receive periodic updates about our work in this area.

So stay tuned to AWARE’s social media accounts for updates, and let’s keeping working towards a society with zero sexual violence.

Here are some highlights from Aim For Zero.