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AWARE’s Submission To The Public Consultation On The Definitions Of Platform Operator And Platform Worker, Treatment Of A Subcontracting Scenario, And Platform Operators’ Duties Towards Platform Workers’ Safety And Health

April 19th, 2024 | Employment and Labour Rights, News

AWARE made a submission to the Ministry of Manpower’s Public Consultation on the definitions of Platform Operator and Platform Worker, treatment of a subcontracting scenario, and Platform Operators’ duties towards Platform Workers’ safety and health. Our recommendations addressing these issues: Expanding the definition of Platform Operators and Platform Workers to include a wider range of digital platforms, protection against discrimination and harassment, and transparent and fair payment systems.

Platform workers are among the most vulnerable groups of workers in Singapore and other countries due to the lack of basic employment protection. According to the Ministry of Manpower’s 2022 Labour Force Survey, resident regular platform workers are most concerned about the lack of healthcare benefits and retirement security2.

Platform work can be an attractive option due to the relatively low barriers to entry, more control over their work schedules, and the opportunity to earn extra income. However, the landscape of platform work is constantly changing, resulting in new types of employment and business models that challenge current norms.

It is crucial to ensure that those who perform platform work are protected, regardless of their employment status, and that such safeguards extend to protection against discrimination and harassment. It is also important to note that platform work blurs the lines between traditional employment and self-employment, which can complicate the responsibilities of employers and workers. Classifying platform workers as self-employed can limit their access to health and safety rights, which can have severe consequences for them.

Read the full submission here.