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Caring for an ageing population: AWARE’s recommendations for the 2016 national Budget
February 27th, 2016| Family and DivorceAWARE’s sixth annual set of recommendations for the national Budget was submitted through the publ... -
Pre-Budget Forum 2016
February 2nd, 2016| EventsOver the past year, a lively discussion on caregiving and eldercare has taken place, both in nationa... -
State support for the elderly crucial
June 26th, 2015| Family and DivorceBy Goh Li Sian, Research and Advocacy Coordinator, AWARE Recently, attention has been given to th... -
Unmet Social Needs of Elderly Women
March 18th, 2015| NewsOn 5 March, AWARE held a roundtable to discuss the results of a study examining the ‘unmet needs o... -
CPF flexibility good but women still at risk
March 3rd, 2015| NewsBy Goh Li Sian, Research and Advocacy Coordinator, AWARE We welcome the greater flexibility fo... -
AWARE applauds breakthrough Budget speech
February 24th, 2015| NewsThis press release was sent out on 23 February 2015. The Association of Women for Actio... -
Roundtable: Unmet social needs of elderly women
February 16th, 2015| Older People and CaregivingThe Lien Centre for Social Innovation, in close collaboration with the Asian Womens Welfare A... -
Who cares for the caregivers? Recommendations for the national Budget
February 2nd, 2015| Family and DivorceOn 29 January, AWARE submitted its fifth annual set of recommendations for the national Bu... -
Address the needs of all in caregiving
January 30th, 2015| Family and DivorceBy Goh Li Sian, Research and Advocacy Coordinator, AWARE As Singapore’s population ages, more c...