Why become a member?
Because YOU can make a difference! Members are the heart of AWARE. All our work represents the views, values and concerns of our members, who have the final say in determining the direction of the organisation. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held every year where the board and staff of AWARE present our work to members for review.
By becoming a member, you add weight to our calls for gender equality and social change. When AWARE speaks, we do so on behalf of YOU, so the more members we have, the more influential our voice becomes. Members also help to support us financially through an annual subscription. These are important forms of support, especially from people who wish to assist our work but may not have the time to volunteer.
We encourage all our volunteers to become members as well.
In addition, members also receive benefits such as invitations to events, discounts on fees for some of our events and workshops, and regular updates on our work.
If you would like more information about membership, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing membership@aware.org.sg.
Types of membership
Ordinary (Category 1)
Women who are Singapore citizens and PRs aged 18+
Ordinary (Category 2)
- Women who are not Singapore citizens and PRs aged 18+
- All women who are aged 15-18
- Men and other individuals aged 15+ who do not qualify for Ordinary (Cat 1 and Cat 2) Memberships
Full-time students aged up to 25 who qualify for ordinary & associate membership. Student memberships are only available in 2 year blocks.
Life (One-time conversion fee – $400)
- Ordinary (Cat 1), Ordinary (Cat 2) and Associate Members with at least 10 years of membership through one-time conversion fee of $400
Please contact us at membership@aware.org.sg to apply for a life membership.
NEW! – Free membership requests
We also offer the following groups free memberships:
- Pioneer members who write in requesting for waiver (2-year membership for all existing and new members 65 years and older)
- Members with disability who write in requesting for waiver
Please contact us at membership@aware.org.sg to apply if you are 65 years old and above, or a person with disability.
How to join AWARE
Become an AWARE member today by clicking the link below!
If you face any difficulties filling in the online form, do reach out to membership@aware.org.sg for assistance.