Support, Partner and Act through Community Engagement (S.P.A.C.E)



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Support, Partner and Act through Community Engagement (S.P.A.C.E) has a mission to inspire, empower and connect people, to create a fairer, more compassionate and gender-equal future. We cultivate a new generation of feminist leaders through new initiatives rolled out under the S.P.A.C.E banner, which build community capacity to change social norms, highlight harmful practices and renegotiate boundaries on sex, relationships and gender equality.

Interested to find out what’s in store? Take a look at what’s in the pipeline:

1. Community Leaders Programme

A 12-month programme to foster the potential emerging change-makers who are driven by hope and values to inspire and accelerate positive systemic change. 

More details to be announced—stay tuned!


2. Sexual Assault First Responder Training (SAFRT)

AWARE’s highly popular SAFRT sessions have been running since 2019 and have educated thousands on how to give empathetic, sensitive and knowledgeable support to victim-survivors of sexual assault. S.P.A.C.E will expand our network of SAFRT Trainers through new iterations of Train-The-Trainer. (See upcoming SAFRT dates here.)


3. Sexuality Education

S.P.A.C.E aims to enable youths to make informed, healthy and respectful choices regarding relationships, sexuality and emotional and physical health. Apart from our existing Birds & Bees workshop targeted at parents, two new initiatives will be introduced: peer sexuality education for youths and sexuality education for youths at risk.


4. Mapping the Dover Community

AWARE has been part of the Dover Crescent community since 1995. Our upcoming Dover Community Mapping Project aims to understand the needs and assets of Dover community and identify opportunities for community-building.