Let’s Unite: 2) TAKE ACTION – Organisations


Here is the list of pledges; scroll down to find out how you can carry them out!

Share, tweet and use the hashtag #16DaysSG in all of your content!


If you’d like support or guidance, write to wecan@aware.org.sg. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Done with Step 2? Let us know how it went!


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  • 1 Facebook Profile Picture Overlay

    Take a picture of the members in your organisation and apply the Let’s Unite! #16DaysSG overlay to the picture. Post it with the hashtag #16DaysSG!

    Here’s how you can do it:

    • Go to our Facebook page
    • Like the page.
    • Scroll down to the top post that contains the overlay.
    • Click “Try It” to update your profile picture with the frame.
    • After you’ve added the Let’s Unite! overlay to your profile picture, scroll down to the “Add Description” textbox and include a caption on why you support this campaign. Remember to include the hashtag #16DaysSG and the link to the pledge page to mobilise your friends to change their profile pictures too!
  • 2 Email Signatures

    Add a line to your email signatures for outgoing emails and/or set up an autoreply to highlight how violence against women is a pertinent issue in Singapore. Also include the link to this resource page to mobilise others into taking action!

    Here are some short blurbs that you can use:

    • 1 in 10 women in Singapore experience violence by a male in their lifetime. If you or someone you know needs help, call the Women’s Helpline at 1800 777 5555. I’m doing my part to end violence against women. Join me in supporting Let’s Unite! #16DaysSG.


    • 1 in 3 youth in Singapore experienced sexual violence. Only 6% of all victims sought help. If you or someone you know has faced sexual assault and is looking for support, reach out to the Sexual Assault Care Centre at 6799 0282. I’m doing my part to end violence against women. Join me in supporting Let’s Unite! #16DaysSG.


    • Do you know about #16DaysSG? I’ve changed my email signature in support of this campaign because I care. Curious to know more? Click here! I promise this is not a virus ;)


    • I have changed my email signature because I care to end violence against women in Singapore. Join me in supporting Let’s Unite! #16DaysSG.
  • 3 Tweets you can use

    No more wrestling with the character limit. We Can! has you covered. These tweets are character-count approved and ready for you to share.


    • Violence against women is not always black and blue. Find out more about the other forms of violence: https://tinyurl.com/hjgj4oo #16DaysSG


    • If you or someone you know has faced sexual assault, call SACC at 6779 0282 http://sacc.aware.org.sg #16DaysSG


    • For almost 9 in 10 victims of sexual assault, the perpetrator was someone they knew. For more info, visit https://tinyurl.com/y8caaovg #16DaysSG


    • 1 in 10 women in Singapore experience violence by a male. For more info, visit https://tinyurl.com/y7c4jhh3 #16DaysSG


    • 70% of women abused by partners are not likely to make a police report. For more info, visit https://tinyurl.com/y7c4jhh3 #16DaysSG
  • 4 Encourage your employees to take the pledge

    It is only through the concerted effort of individuals at every level that we can work towards creating a violence-free society. We’ve drafted an email you can share with the your colleagues, feel free to adapt it as needed!

    Hi everyone,
    Recent viral online movement, #MeToo, has not only brought to light the grave reality of sexual violence in Singapore, but also the silence surrounding the issue. At the end of the day, a hashtag can only go so far: the onus lies on us to take action every day.
    Violence against women is not simply a “women’s issue”. Every one plays a role in ending gender-based violence. Every one can – and should – be active allies for the cause. We Can! Singapore organised Let’s Unite #16DaysSG* (25th Nov to 10th Dec) to galvanise everyone’s efforts to stand together and to raise awareness about violence against women and everyone who significantly identifies as such.
    I have pledged to show my support for this campaign and have taken action to put an end to violence against women in Singapore. I’d like to call on us as peers, colleagues and members of the organisation to participate in this campaign. Pledge to take an active stance against gender based violence here.
    Addressing violence against women requires multiple strategies, from changing social attitudes about violence to supporting survivors on their journey of recovery. Every act on every level counts.  I hope that you will join me in creating a society that’s safe and violence-free for everyone.
    Thank you.
    *Let’s Unite #16DaysSG is inspired by 16 Days of Activism, a global campaign that calls on individuals, groups and organisations to stand together against violence against women (VAW) by pledging their support and taking action from 25 November, the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.
    Best wishes,
    Your name
  • 5 Use your art for a cause

    Art is a powerful way of sharing stories and inspiring people into taking action!

    If you have artwork, illustrations, photographs, skits, poetry or written pieces relating to violence against women/gender based violence, please share on your social media with the hashtag #16DaysSG.

    For Facebook posts – remember to make your posts public – you don’t have to make your profile public, just the post! Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

  • 6 Resources To Read And Share

    Share these articles on violence against women and sexual violence – from recovery support, to bystander intervention tips, to information on navigating the criminal justice system. Do remember to use the hashtag #16DaysSG!


    • What is Consent?: All words, behaviour and circumstances are crucial to decide whether consent exists. Just because no one said “no” does not mean there is consent. It can make the topic confusing, but you don’t have to be a legal expert to understand how consent plays out in real life. Find out more from the article or simply watch this video: https://youtu.be/fGoWLWS4-kU


    • What is Sexual Assault?: I never knew that globally and in Singapore, sexual assault remains one of the most under-reported crimes. Follow the link to find out more.



    • How Common is Sexual Violence in Singapore?: Sexual violence – from verbal and cyber-harassment to non-consensual touching and rape – is a significant part of young people’s social environment in Singapore, according to a study carried out by We Can! Singapore. However, few know how to seek help for themselves, or to provide it to their peers.



    • How to Respond to a Survivor: When someone you care about tells you they’ve been sexually assaulted or abused, it can be a lot to handle. A supportive reaction can make all the difference, but that doesn’t mean it comes easy.


    • Self-Care After Trauma: Sexual assault can impact your psychological and emotional state, and sometimes even results in trauma. If you are a survivor of sexual assault, self-care can be helpful in coping with the short- and long-term effects of a trauma.


    • Self-Care for Friends and Family: It can be difficult when you find out that someone you care about has survived an act of sexual violence. Regardless of what you’re feeling, these emotions can be intense and difficult to deal with.
  • 7 Talking Points Worth Talking About

    Big meeting coming up? Preparing a speech for #16DaysSG? Or just speaking to a friend about #16DaysSG over lunch? Borrow from We Can!’s talking points about gendered violence and the critical resources available to survivors and loved ones.


    Q: How common is violence against women in Singapore?

    • 1 in 10 women in Singapore experience lifetime violence by a male. 6 in 10 victims of physical violence suffer repeated victimisation.
    • 71.7% of women abused by partners are not likely to make a police report. (International Violence Against Women Survey, 2010).
    • In 2016, a total of 2811 Personal Protection Orders, Expedited Orders and Domestic Exclusion Orders against family violence were filed, with 76% of these being filed by women.


    Q: How common is sexual violence in Singapore?

    • More than 1 in 3 young people (35%) reported facing some form of sexual violence.
    • Only 6% of all victims said they sought help (turning to family/friends, school counsellor, therapist, etc). Some reasons cited by victims of sexual assault for not seeking help included embarrassment, shame, family shame, disbelief and self-blame.
    • In 2016, the Sexual Assault Care Centre saw one case a day on average.


    Q: Who are the perpetrators?

    • For almost 9 in 10 victims of sexual assault (87%), the perpetrator was someone they knew.


    Q: What resources are available to survivors of violence?

    • Please call our Women’s Helpline (1800 777 5555, weekdays, 3pm – 9.30pm) for support
    • For individuals who have experienced sexual violence, please reach out to our Sexual Assault Care Centre (6779 0282, weekdays, 10am – midnight).
    • For emergencies, please call 999 for the police and 995 for an emergency ambulance. For a non-emergency ambulance, contact 1777.
    • Please call 1800 221 4444 for the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) 24 Hour Hotline if you have thoughts of hurting yourself, including thoughts of suicide.
  • 8 Attend an event

    Let’s Talk: #MeToo, #NowWhat?

    You might wonder after #MeToo, #NowWhat?

    Through the recent online movement, #MeToo, thousands of women around the world – and in Singapore – came forward to have open and honest conversations about their experiences of surviving sexual violence. #MeToo has not only foregrounded the prevalence of sexual violence in Singapore, but also the silence surrounding the issue. At the end of the day, a hashtag can only go so far: the onus lies on us to take action every day.

    Come to show your support and show that you care to end violence against women in Singapore. No matter who you are, we are certain that you can do something. Whether big or small, every act on every level counts.

    We Can! Singapore will be launching Let’s Unite! #16DaysSG to galvanise everyone’s efforts to end violence against women, show how we can prevent such violence and that we are ready to build a community of support.

    Date: 25 November 2017, Saturday
    Time: 4pm
    Venue: Peranakan Museum, 39 Armenian St, S179941
    Light refreshments will be provided

    Register here.

    Please note that representatives of the media will be required to identify themselves prior to the event, and no photos/videos are allowed without explicit consent. We welcome reporting on the points and issues raised, but no names and identities should be included.

    For a list of other events happening in November addressing violence against women, click here.

  • 9 Put an end to harassment at your workplace/institution

    Ask your HR Manager to redistribute your organisation’s anti-harassment policy during this 16 days. If they don’t have one in place, you can also collaborate with us to organise trainings and workshops at your workplace to put at end to workplace harassment. More information on this can be found here.

  • 10 Learn how to better support survivors of sexual violence

    Collaborate with us to organise Sexual Assault First Response training at your institution. The goal of these trainings is to equip participants with the necessary skills to be effective first responders to survivors. By the end of the training, you will be better equipped to support and respond to a family member, friend or colleague who discloses to you their experience of sexual assault. More information here.

  • 11 Instagram Ready Images

    Save and share We Can!’s square graphics on your organisation’s Instagram account. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #16DaysSG for us to know how many people are standing together to end violence against women!