Singapore government’s CEDAW delegation reports to the UN

The following are some highlights from the Singapore government’s responses to questions posed by the United Nations’ CEDAW Committee on July 22 On anti-discrimination legislation While Singapore lacks specific legislation prohibiting discrimination based on gender, article XII of its ...

Is a female President impossible?

Sparse female representation at the highest levels of Singapore's public and private sectors effectively makes this a pipe dream. By Grace Ke The build-up to the Presidential elections in Singapore has prompted some optimistic speculation about the possibility of a woman occupying this offic...

Our CEDAW team speaks at the United Nations

This year marks the third time that AWARE is submitting a Shadow Report to the United Nations committee on the Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). On July 18, our CEDAW team made their presentation to the UN CEDAW Committee at the UN headquarters in...

Support the Day Off campaign

Domestic workers, like all employees, are entitled to their rest, in accordance with human rights standards and acceptable working standards in Singapore. AWARE welcomes the news that Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports Halimah Yacob believes the State should consider ...

No to Obedient Wives Club

The organisation's stated beliefs about marriage are reductive and belittle both men and women. AWARE is troubled by the news that there are plans to set up the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) in Singapore. We stand opposed to perspectives that undermine the role of women, and we believe that the vi...

Our response to “Singapore toughens stance on human trafficking”

AWARE’s Letter to the Straits Times Forum Page, published June 14, 2011 We refer to the report “Singapore toughens its stance on human trafficking” ( ST June 11). We are very heartened to learn that the government intends to sign the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Puni...

CEDAW 101 Workshop

The United Nations' Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is often described as an international bill of rights for women. It is ratified by 185 countries. Singapore became party to CEDAW in October 1995. CEDAW is based on 3 core inter-related principles: ...

Why no female Minister?

AWARE is disappointed by the absence of a female minister in the new Cabinet line-up announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on May 18. Besides the lack of a female minister in the new Cabinet, none of the new female Members of Parliament were given Minister of State (MOS) positions. In c...

AWARE CEDAW Shadow Report 2011

By Siti Nadzirah The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is a United Nations (UN) Convention ratified by 185 countries. It is a comprehensive bill of rights for women, covering economic, social and cultural rights, as well as civil and political ...