Are you a woman aged 45-65 caring for an older person in your family? We are looking for caregivers to be interviewed for our research on the financial strains of eldercare. The findings from our interviews with caregivers will help to inform the policy recommendations we make to ease the financ...
By Penny Shi, AWARE intern
On 25 April, AWARE held a public dialogue session, Let’s Talk: Who cares for the caregivers?. Over 40 participants from diverse backgrounds, including former and current caregivers, shared openly on their experiences with and solutions for the big issue of unpaid ...
In national media and in recent government announcements, more attention is being paid to the caregiving of older people. But what do we really understand by family caregiving?
How do women, in particular, bear the responsibility of caregiving? Wha...
This post was originally published as a press release on 12 January 2018.
Gender equality group AWARE submitted its eighth annual set of recommendations for the National Budget through the public consultation portal REACH on 12 January, calling for the Government to take concrete steps in endin...
This article was originally published in TODAY Voices on 14 December 2017.
AWARE supports recent calls made in the media to provide family caregivers with a caregiver allowance.
Many women who leave the workforce for family caregiving during their prime working years do not have enough for retir...
This article was first published in TODAY Voices on 18 May 2017.
Recent conversation acknowledging the reality of post-partum depression (PPD) is a positive step forward. But societal support needs to be more readily available for mothers affected by mental health difficulties, or struggling with...
Last September, AWARE called for the law criminalising suicide to be reformed - urging that it should no longer be an offence. We also made recommendations to improve first response so that persons attempting suicide - who are already in distress - are not further traumatised by experiences of ar...
In December 2016, to commemorate International Migrants Day, AWARE released a policy brief calling for greater equality and inclusion for foreign spouses of citizens. We later heard from P, a Singapore citizen, about the difficulties he has faced due to the current immigration rules.
P is a s...
Last September, AWARE called for the law criminalising suicide to be reformed – urging that it should no longer be an offence. We also made recommendations to improve first response so that persons attempting suicide – who are already in distress – are not further traumatised by experie...