Tag: Maintenance

Our response to “Divorce and the attractive woman”

AWARE's Letter to the Straits Times Forum Page, published June 8, 2011 We refer to the article "Divorce and the Attractive Woman" (ST, 3 June) and the judgment rendered by the High Court in this case. The High Court took the view that it was relevant for a judge to take into account the ...

Hot or not, it shouldn’t matter to the law

Linking a divorcée's appearance to her alimony sets a dangerous precedent. It may sound like an episode of Ally McBeal, but fact has once again proved stranger than fiction. On June 3, the Straits Times reported on the High Court’s ruling that it was relevant for a judge to take into acco...

Is the Women’s Charter Unfair to Men?

In my experience as a lawyer, there are three main reasons that some men think the Women's Charter puts them at a disadvantage. First there's the name. Clearly a statute named “The Women's Charter” must be about protecting women and be for their benefit, no? Secondly, it's to do with mainte...

Women’s Charter: AWARE Calls For Changes

Media release AWARE welcomes the proposed amendments to the Women’s Charter but calls for a slew of adjustments and additions to strengthen the legislation and ensure greater compliance with its provisions. The key recommendation is that a central body be set up to administer maintenance pay...

Move on maintenance payments is good; more can be done

This letter was sent to the Straits Times on 18 March 2010 AWARE Welcomes New Measures for Maintenance Enforcement The new measures announced last week by the Ministry of Community Development to strengthen the enforcement of maintenance orders are significant and positive developments in the ...

Money – Me, You and Us

25 November 2009, 6.30pm - 9.00pm When I becomes we, what happens to your finances to your finances as an individual and as a couple? Is it a case of share and share alike, or “What's yours stays yours, what's mine stays mine”? This White Ribbon Day, learn how you and your partner can commun...