Tag: Migrant Spouses

Transnational couples need more assurance of stability

By Vivienne Wee (Dr), Research and Advocacy Director, AWARE We applaud the Government's intention of promoting greater transparency among transnational couples ("New rules clear air for transnational marriages"; last Saturday). These couples can apply for a Letter of Eligibility for a Long-Term V...

Support for homemakers must go beyond verbal tributes

By Jolene Tan, Programmes and Communications Senior Manager, AWARE This letter was written for the Straits Times Forum, responding to this letter, but was not published as some points were seen as irrelevant to the career woman vs. stay-at-home-mom debate. We are publishing the letter here to discu...

Marriage, children evidence of one’s stake in S’pore

By Vivienne Wee, Research and Advocacy Director, Association of Women for Action and Research In his commentary “Are you ‘of this place’?” (May 5), Dr Jeremy Lim made the important point that belonging derives from one’s commitment and contributions to the society of which one is a memb...

White Paper Is About the Economy, Not Babies

By Corinna Lim For every 1 person that comes into Singapore to replace our shrinking citizenship, 2.5 persons are allowed in as transient workers for pure economic reasons. That is high and this is what the current debate should focus on instead of lumping the economic and demographic issues as on...

Parliament Primer: The foreign factor

The problem of human trafficking - including sex trafficking - and the rights of foreign women married to Singaporean husbands were discussed during the Nov 21 to 22 sitting of Parliament. The following is a summary of the key points. HUMAN TRAFFICKING In response to a question by Member of Parl...

AWARE’s fruitful week at the United Nations

After years of preparation, the AWARE’s CEDAW team saw our hard work pay off with our successful lobbying efforts at the United Nations. By Nadzirah Samsudin After 10 intense days in New York, AWARE’s CEDAW team is back home and geared up for the next phase of making CEDAW real in Singap...

Singapore government’s CEDAW delegation reports to the UN

The following are some highlights from the Singapore government’s responses to questions posed by the United Nations’ CEDAW Committee on July 22 On anti-discrimination legislation While Singapore lacks specific legislation prohibiting discrimination based on gender, article XII of its ...

Our CEDAW team speaks at the United Nations

This year marks the third time that AWARE is submitting a Shadow Report to the United Nations committee on the Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). On July 18, our CEDAW team made their presentation to the UN CEDAW Committee at the UN headquarters in...

Our response to “Singapore toughens stance on human trafficking”

AWARE’s Letter to the Straits Times Forum Page, published June 14, 2011 We refer to the report “Singapore toughens its stance on human trafficking” ( ST June 11). We are very heartened to learn that the government intends to sign the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Puni...