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About Saga

March 2009. When 100 strangers arrive at a run-of-the-mill meeting for Singapore gender-equality group AWARE, long-time members sense that something is wrong. Who are the mysterious women wresting control of this respected volunteer organisation? And what disturbing secret unites them?

What happens next becomes the stuff of national legend: starting with an astonishing coup and culminating in an extraordinary declaration of equality and justice. Welcome to the AWARE Saga.

Saga is a limited-series podcast hosted by acclaimed former journalist Bharati Jagdish.

More about Saga


8 March 2009: Singapore’s leading gender-equality group, AWARE, is holding its Annual General Meeting, with the organisation’s members voting to elect a new executive committee. However, when dozens of mysterious new members arrive—tight-lipped women who rebuff the welcoming gestures of AWARE veterans—what should be a run-of-the-mill gathering reveals itself to be anything but.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Dana Lam

Halijah Mohamad

Schutz Lee

Tan Joo Hymn

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Further Reading

Constance Singam, iconic AWARE president

The newcomers running for election at AWARE unsettle older members with their strangely hollow speeches. Who could have predicted this 24 years prior, when the organisation was founded? AWARE’s iconic early leaders made their names campaigning against sexist laws and societal norms. Yet in 2009, activity is slow, with many members burnt out and distracted. Unfortunately, what seemed like a rejuvenating injection of new blood is looking more and more like a coup.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Dana Lam

Halijah Mohamad

Kanwaljit Soin

Lena Lim

Lillian Wong

Margaret Thomas

Tan Joo Hymn

Tanneke Zeeuw

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Charlotte Lim

Claire Nazar

Jenica Chua

Maureen Ong

Sally Ang

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Further Reading

The History of AWARE

Footage from the official launch event for AWARE in 1985. Speakers included Lena Lim, Hedwig Anuar, Lai Ah Eng, Vivienne Wee, Zaibun Siraj and Chua Siew Keng.

AWARE launched its Women's Helpline in 1991. Twenty-five years later, it produced this anniversary video.

1980s Singapore: The Graduate Mothers Scheme and Great Marriage Debate

The Malay Mail, 19 April 1994 - A decade after he introduced the Graduate Mothers Scheme, Lee Kuan Yew expressed again that women's independence was hurting Singapore's fertility rate.

As AWARE’s exco election comes to a disquieting end, an impromptu Google search on the names of new members gives veteran member Joo Hymn chills. The results provide an important clue about a controversial ideology that many of the newcomers seem to share—an ideology that reared its head in national discourse only a few years prior, during a pivotal battle for LGBT rights.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Caris Lim

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Dana Lam

Halijah Mohamad

Lena Lim

Lillian Wong

Schutz Lee

Tan Joo Hymn

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Angela Thiang

Catherine Tan

Charlotte Lim

Claire Nazar

Irene Yee

Jenica Chua

Josie Lau

Lois Ng


Alan Seah

Siew Kum Hong

Thio Li Ann

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Further Reading

2007: Sir Ian McKellen in Singapore

2007: The Debate Over Section 377A

Who are the women on AWARE’s new executive committee? Is its new president—Connie’s own chosen heir—part of a deeper conspiracy to take over the association? In the aftermath of the Annual General Meeting, long-time AWARE members—the “Old Guard”—struggle to make sense of what happened. And as the media begin to dig into the story, the Old Guard face a momentous decision that will seriously test their resolve.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Braema Mathi

Caris Lim

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Halijah Mohamad

Kanwaljit Soin

Lena Lim

Lillian Wong

Margaret Thomas

Schutz Lee

Siew Kum Hong

Tan Joo Hymn

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Angela Thiang

Catherine Tan

Charlotte Lim

Claire Nazar

Jenica Chua

Lois Ng

Maureen Ong

Sally Ang


Alan John

Wong Kim Hoh

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Further Reading

Press Coverage of the AWARE Saga

19 April 2009 - Serene Goh's interview with Claire Nazar after Claire stepped down as president. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

19 April 2009 - Tan Dawn Wei's and Jamie Ee's report on the New Guard's connection to Church of Our Saviour. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

The Old Guard's Requisition Effort

Dana Lam's notes on the various recourse options discussed by the Old Guard in meetings following the 2009 AGM.

Word gets out that most of AWARE’s new exco attend the same church—one known for its conservative views on sexuality and gender. But what does that have to do with AWARE? Perhaps some answers are to be found in the history of Christianity in Singapore… and how the religion has existed, both peacefully and contentiously, within the multi-cultural state. This episode was guest-written by Balli Kaur Jaswal.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Margaret Thomas

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Angela Thiang

Jenica Chua


Callan Tham

Derek Hong

Gwee Li Sui

Tong Yee

Gillian Koh

Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib

Terence Chong

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Further Reading

Church of Our Saviour

Information on Choices Ministry, founded at Church of Our Saviour in 1991 by well-known "ex-gay" American pastor Sy Rogers.

Anti-Gay Efforts by Conservative Christians in the 2000s

Terence Chong's book


Cracks start to show in the New Guard’s relationships with the staff at the AWARE Centre. Between the exco’s obvious unfamiliarity with the organisation, actions that compromise the well-being of clients, and strange fascination with certain programmes, tensions rise quickly. Meanwhile, the Old Guard rally the troops for a requisition. Will they find enough allies to see it through?

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Braema Mathi

Caris Lim

Chew I-Jin

Corinna Lim

Halijah Mohamad

Kerry Wilcock

Lena Lim

Lillian Wong

Schutz Lee

Tan Joo Hymn

New Guard & Associates

Catherine Tan

Charlotte Lim

Claire Nazar

Irene Yee

Jenica Chua

Josie Lau

Lois Ng

Maureen Ong

Peggy Leong

Sally Ang


Alexandra Serrenti

Benson Ang

Explore the key moments of the AWARE Saga with our interactive timeline.

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Further Reading


Josie Lau Becomes President

"16 April 2009 - by Tan Dawn Wei, Wong Kim Hoh and Yen Feng. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

Shadow reports submitted by AWARE to CEDAW over the years.

AWARE’s new president, Josie, launches a publicity campaign to defend the New Guard against mounting criticism, boycotts and even threats, from a public hungry for answers about the group’s intentions. Will her PR attempts work? Then, things come to a head at the AWARE Centre with a dramatic face-off between both sides.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Braema Mathi

Chew I-Jin

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Kerry Wilcock

Margaret Thomas

Robin Rheaume

Schutz Lee

Tan Joo Hymn

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Charlotte Lim

Claire Nazar

Jenica Chua

Josie Lau

Lois Ng

Maureen Ong

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Further Reading

Josie Lau

Profiles of Alan Chin and Josie Lau - “Quiet, Devoted to Religious Activities” and “Sociable, Chatty and a Lover of Good Food” - ran on 18 April 2009. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

The New Guard's Josie Lau and Maureen Ong appeared on the 19 April 2009 episode of Talking Point, a Channel NewsAsia show hosted by Debra Soon and P N Balji

The New Guard's Josie Lau and Maureen Ong appeared on the 19 April 2009 episode of Talking Point, a Channel NewsAsia show hosted by Debra Soon and P N Balji

Operation Leper

Blogger Akikonomu launched a plan to boycott the New Guard members' workplaces with this 18 April 2009 post

The Showdown

Surprise! At an astounding press conference, the New Guard reveal their true leader: the woman who conceived of and organised the AWARE takeover. Together with this mentor, the group finally explain the series of events that put AWARE on their radar—the supposedly scandalous practices of the organisation’s former leadership which, they say, must be stopped at all costs.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Deeksha Vasundhra

Margaret Thomas

Tenley Peterson

New Guard & Associates

Alan Chin

Jenica Chua

Josie Lau

Lois Ng

Maureen Ong

Thio Li Ann

Thio Su Mien


Jack Yong

Terence Chong

Explore the key moments of the AWARE Saga with our interactive timeline.

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Further Reading

The New Guard's Press Conference

Thio Su Mien

A 2014 memoir by Thio Su Mien, detailing her Christian beliefs and interests in prophetic intercession

AWARE's Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programme

This 1 May 2009 TODAY article by Alicia Wong and Lin Yanqin examines the "controversial" sections of AWARE's CSE syllabus

Both sides ready themselves for battle with AWARE’s Extraordinary General Meeting in sight. Harnessing a huge team of volunteers, the Old Guard prepare to give their all, though the emotional toll of the saga is catching up to them. At the 11th hour, they face a logistical twist from the New Guard. Will a ballsy stratagem be enough to save them? Or will the Singapore government prove an unlikely ally?

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Chew I-Jin

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Deeksha Vasundhra

Halijah Mohamad

Kanwaljit Soin

Margaret Thomas

Mark Goh

Robin Rheaume

Siew Kum Hong

Tan Joo Hymn

Tan Wah Kiat

Yap Ching Wi

New Guard & Associates

Charlotte Lim

Derek Hong

Thio Su Mien


Alexandra Serrenti

Gwee Li Sui

Gillian Koh

Irene Ang

John Chew

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Further Reading

The Old Guard Press Conference

"Old Guard Responds" - a summary of the Old Guard's rebuttal to the New Guard's accusations, 25 April 2009. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

Irene Ang's Video

Irene Ang corralled her Fly Entertainment talent to produce this campaign video for the Old Guard

Gwee Li Sui's Note

National Council of Churches

Two days before the EGM, NCCS released this public statement condemning churches from "getting involved in this matter"

Comments from the Government

The day of reckoning arrives: the Extraordinary General Meeting to determine the fate of AWARE. With more than 3,000 attendees in the Suntec City Exhibition Hall, the energy and excitement are off the charts. After the New Guard make their case for the last time, the vote of no confidence in the current exco takes place. Which side will prevail?

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Braema Mathi

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Halijah Mohamad

Lena Lim

Margaret Thomas

Mark Goh

Robin Rheaume

Siew Kum Hong

Tan Joo Hymn

Yap Ching Wi

Zaibun Siraj

New Guard & Associates

Charlotte Lim

Gregory Vijayendran

Jenica Chua

Josie Lau

Lois Ng

Maureen Ong

Sally Ang

Thio Su Mien


Alexandra Serrenti

Callan Tham

Irene Ang

Pam Oei

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Further Reading

Page 73

This book about AWARE's history, edited by Mandakini Arora and published in 2007, contains a small mention of Thio Su Mien's accomplishments on page 73

Extraordinary General Meeting

Photographs by Ching, a volunteer engaged by the Old Guard

A young woman who believes in the right to choose. A sitcom actress risking her public persona for the sake of her principles. A former police officer who wishes his daughters could be there, too. Midway through the AWARE EGM, members new and old stand up and speak out about the takeover, LGBT rights, feminism and more. Together, they make one of the most powerful assertions of Singaporean democracy in recent memory.

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Braema Mathi

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Margaret Thomas

Robin Rheaume

Siew Kum Hong

Tan Joo Hymn

Yap Ching Wi

Zaibun Siraj

New Guard & Associates

Josie Lau


Farid Hamid

Irene Ang

Irene Hoe

Karen Teoh

Meera Jane Navaratnam

Pam Oei

Teo You Yenn

Explore the key moments of the AWARE Saga with our interactive timeline.

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Further Reading

Extraordinary General Meeting

Photographs by Ching, a volunteer engaged by the Old Guard

Benson Ang on the many, many volunteers who made the AWARE EGM possible, published 4 May 2009. Source: The New Paper, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

More than a decade since the events of the AWARE Saga, their lasting impact has rippled outwards in so many ways. But while the results of the fateful 2009 EGM were decisive, is it clear which side truly won? With the emergence of new movements and new slogans, new technologies and new generations, are the ideological fault lines in Singapore society continuing to widen? And if so, how can we heal them?

Episode photograph courtesy of Wayne (@nexa_s) and Pink Dot SG

Please note: This podcast touches upon some complex topics. The creators have endeavoured to reach all key players for their comments, and present a balanced and factual account. We ask that each episode be taken in its full context by listeners.

Characters in this Episode

Old Guard & Associates

Constance Singam

Corinna Lim

Dana Lam

Kanwaljit Soin

Margaret Thomas

Robin Rheaume

Tan Joo Hymn

New Guard & Associates

Charlotte Lim

Josie Lau

Thio Su Mien


Alexandra Serrenti

Alan Seah

Callan Tham


Gillian Koh

Pam Oei

Teo You Yenn

Tommy Koh

Tong Yee

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Further Reading

The Prime Minister Speaks

The Thio Family

On 17 May 2009, Thio Su Mien granted one post-EGM interview to Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao. Source: Lianhe Zaobao, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

The Role of the Media

Following accusations of bias in its reporting on the Saga, The Straits Times Editor Han Fook Kwang defended his paper's process in this commentary, 30 May 2009. Source: The Straits Times, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission

LGBTQ Rights in Singapore Today

Pink Dot is at the forefront of the gay pride movement in Singapore, and has celebrated 12 editions to date

True Love Is, a ministry of 3:16 Church, has been called "conversation therapy" by its critics.

Additional Interview Transcripts

The full transcript of the conversation between Corinna Lim and Tong Yee on the AWARE Saga, recorded in 2020.

Though we were unable to include him in Saga, here is a condensed transcript of the conversation between Kelly Leow, Jasmine Ng and Alex Au on the AWARE Saga, recorded in 2019.

Bonus Clips

Music video

Saga Theme” by .gif

Saga’s theme music was composed and performed by weish and din of the Singaporean band .gif. In October 2020, we filmed this intimate performance.

Feminism 101

Saga Bonus Clip: The complicated history of feminism at AWARE

Over the years at AWARE, heated debates have taken place over the word “feminism”. Although many members of the organisation embrace the term, others have shied away from it, worried about its negative associations. AWARE members and ex-presidents Constance Singam, Zaibun Siraj, Lai Ah Eng, Teo You Yenn and Yap Ching Wi explain.

AWARE Saga Timeline

If you'd like to avoid spoilers, read only the events that are covered in episodes you have listened to.




Mentioned in: Ep 1

AWARE President Constance Singam’s op-ed, “Time to Tackle the Soft Work”, runs in national newspaper The Straits Times. In it, she calls for more women to engage in civil society.

Weeks leading up to




Mentioned in: Ep 1

Dozens of membership applications are mailed into the AWARE Centre. The membership increases from around 250 to well above 300. Centre manager Schutz Lee and the staff notice some abnormalities regarding these applications, but don’t think much of it.




Mentioned in: Ep 3

Of this new group, nine of them successfully stand for election onto AWARE’s executive committee. After the election, the new exco is:
President: Claire Nazar
Vice President: Charlotte Lim
Honorary Secretary: Jenica Chua
Asst. Honorary Secretary: Sally Ang
Honorary Treasurer: Maureen Ong
Asst. Honorary Treasurer: Chew I-Jin
Ordinary members: Caris Lim, Catherine Tan, Irene Yee, Josie Lau, Lois Ng, Peggy Leong.
Immediate Past President: Constance Singam

The election goes on so long that the AGM runs over, and is adjourned. All other agenda items are put aside, possibly to be tabled at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting. During the meeting, Joo Hymn and other members begin to suspect that the newcomers have not been forthcoming about their motives. Afterwards, a group including Constance, Joo Hymn, Schutz and Claire go out for a drink and speculate on the newcomers’ identities.




Mentioned in: Ep 4

Dana, Joo Hymn and a few others meet at Constance’s house to discuss possible actions, such as founding a new organisation, or requisitioning AWARE by calling for a vote of no confidence in the exco. They also talk about whether new president Claire Nazar is to be trusted.

AWARE Saga Timeline

If you'd like to avoid spoilers, read only the events that are covered in episodes you have listened to.




Mentioned in: Ep 4

Constance, Dana, Joo Hymn and others hold a larger meeting at Lena Lim’s house. Besides the veteran AWARE members, this meeting includes lawyer and Nominated Member of Parliament Siew Kum Hong, who advises the group to requisition AWARE. This will require at least 10% of the AWARE membership to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting.




Mentioned in: Ep 6

AWARE holds “New Members’ Night”, an orientation session for new members. At this session, the new exco members reveal their own ignorance about the organisation. They also ask detailed questions about AWARE’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education programme, which baffles onlookers such as Chew I-Jin and staffer Kerry Wilcock.

Constance runs into Alan John, deputy editor of The Straits Times. He teases out her account of the AGM, and assigns reporter Wong Kim Hoh to the story. However, while Connie and company are willing to be interviewed, the new exco members refuse to speak.




Mentioned in: Ep 4, 6

AWARE’s new executive committee has its first official meeting. Topics of discussion include whether chairpersons of AWARE’s subcommittees should continue into the new term; and whether exco members should enter the areas where AWARE’s Women’s Helpline is run. Constance and I-Jin observe Claire Nazar acting defensively: She asks the New Guard members if there is a “conspiracy”, but they deny it.




Mentioned in: Ep 4

Claire Nazar officially resigns as president of AWARE. In a later Straits Times interview, she cites the new exco’s “Stormtrooper tactics” as her reason for quitting.




Mentioned in: Ep 4

The Straits Times publishes “Unknowns Knock Out Veterans at AWARE Polls” by Wong Kim Hoh, the first mainstream news article on the AWARE takeover. It kicks off an intense two months of almost-daily coverage. The article also refers to the veterans as the “Old Guard”, a name that stuck and spawned the opposite, “New Guard”, for the newcomers.


11 - 13


Mentioned in: Ep 6

The Old Guard canvasses across Singapore over this Easter weekend, eventually obtaining their goal of 160 signatures in support of the requisition

Braema Mathi, chair of AWARE’s Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) subcommittee, is warned in an email from Claire Nazar that AWARE’s new exco wants to replace her with Sally Ang.




Mentioned in: Ep 6, 7

Corinna Lim submits the requisition documents to the New Guard at the AWARE Centre.

Schutz Lee receives an envelope containing white powder, addressed to the New Guard, at the AWARE Centre. Though the powder is revealed to be talcum, this coincides with other threatening messages received by the New Guard since news of the takeover went public.




Mentioned in: Ep 6, 7

AWARE’s exco holds its second official meeting. With the press waiting outside, the exco makes some major decisions, including the appointment of Josie Lau as president to replace Claire Nazar. The exco also decides to dissolve all existing subcommittees.

DBS Bank, Josie’s employer, releases a statement criticising her decision to take the AWARE presidency, which it claims to not have approved.

Old Guard members Corinna, Dana and Margie meet and decide how to delegate their EGM efforts: with teams dedicated to logistics and volunteer management, and legal strategy and advocacy.




Mentioned in: Ep 6

Braema Mathi receives official notice, via an email from Sally Ang, that her term as chair of the CEDAW subcommittee is over.




Mentioned in: Ep 4

The Straits Times publishes the article “Some attend the same church”. It reveals that AWARE exco members Charlotte Lim, Irene Yee, Jenica Chua, Maureen Ong, Sally Ang and Josie Lau, as well as Josie’s husband Alan Chin, all attend the Anglican Church Of Our Saviour.

The Old Guard hear from AWARE Centre staff that the EGM is set to take place on 2 May at HSR Building, Toa Payoh.




Mentioned in: Ep 7

The Straits Times publishes a letter by Josie Lau entitled “We’re ready for the task, but why are some so angry at us?”

Constance Singam officially resigns as Immediate Past President and advisor to AWARE’s new exco.

The Old Guard holds its first briefing for the volunteers who have been steadily signing up to help with the requisition. Over the next weeks, strategy meetings will be held almost every night.




Mentioned in: Ep 7

Josie Lau and Maureen Ong appear as guests on the Channel NewsAsia talk show Talking Point. They reiterate that there was no conspiracy to take over AWARE.




Mentioned in: Ep 7

The Old Guard launches the website, a platform to rally support and update volunteers for the EGM.




Mentioned in: Ep 7, 8

At Raffles Town Club, four New Guard members (Josie, Jenica, Maureen and Lois) and prominent lawyer Thio Su Mien hold a press conference. Thio identifies herself as the “feminist mentor” who put the takeover of AWARE into motion, after observing that AWARE had become increasingly supportive of LGBT rights. She believes that gay activists have taken control of AWARE and are using the organisation as a front for their mission to spread homosexuality via sex education and other programmes.

At the AWARE Centre, Schutz Lee is fired by Charlotte Lim from her position as centre manager. Under the direction of the New Guard, the locks are changed at the centre. In distress, Schutz calls Margie, Corinna, Dana and others, who arrive and have a confrontation with the New Guard.




Mentioned in: Ep 7

The Straits Times publishes a letter by Josie Lau entitled “AWARE Chief: Sub-Comm Head was Not Sacked”. In it, Josie clarifies about Braema Mathi and CEDAW: “Ms Mathi was not sacked… Her appointment simply expired.”




Mentioned in: Ep 9

Church of Our Saviour Pastor Derek Hong says in a sermon that homosexuality goes against Biblical teachings and erodes family values. He also calls upon congregants to support the New Guard at the EGM. Video of this sermon is leaked to the press. This garners Hong the attention of the Internal Security Department.




Mentioned in: Ep 9

The New Guard changes the EGM venue from the HSR Building to Singapore Expo. Noticing that church coalition LoveSingapore is holding a huge conference at the Expo on the same day, Old Guard lawyer Mark Goh files a police report, warning of a potential religious conflict.




Mentioned in: Ep 9

The Singapore Police Force officially bans AWARE’s EGM from being held at the Expo.

The Straits Times runs a letter by the Ministry of Education entitled “No complaints from parents, Dr Thio - MOE”. The Ministry reports that it has not received any negative feedback about the AWARE Comprehensive Sexuality Education programmes.




Mentioned in: Ep 9

The new EGM venue is announced: Hall 402 of Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre.

National Council of Churches of Singapore issues a statement condemning Pastor Derek Hong’s use of the pulpit to rally support for the New Guard. Other religious leaders in Singapore echo this sentiment.

Chew I-Jin and Caris Lim both officially resign from AWARE’s exco. Ordinary exco member Catherine Tan also resigns.

AWARE Saga Timeline

If you'd like to avoid spoilers, read only the events that are covered in episodes you have listened to.




Mentioned in: Ep 9

Pastor Derek Hong issues an official apology for his 26 April sermon.

Dana Lam sends out an email to the Old Guard leadership detailing the planned new exco line-up, if they are able to successfully requisition AWARE. She will be the new president.




Mentioned in: Ep 10, 11

AWARE’s Extraordinary General Meeting takes place at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre. More than 3,000 AWARE members attend: around 2,200 ordinary members (Singaporean/PR women) and around 1,000 associate members (men and foreigners). Actresses Pam Oei and Irene Ang are present, as well as volunteers Alexandra Serrenti, Teo You Yenn and Ching S.

Members of the public take the floor to express their opinions on the AWARE Saga as well as broader questions of democracy, LGBT rights, feminism and religion. Speakers include Meera Jane Navaratnam, Farid Hamid, Karen Teoh and Irene Hoe.

The meeting runs for over eight hours. Eventually, the Old Guard wins the vote of no confidence 2:1 and the New Guard steps down from AWARE’s exco. A new exco is announced, led by President Dana Lam.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

Newspaper TODAY reports that government feedback portal REACH has received around 50 complaints about the AWARE Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the past week. The Ministry of Education announces that it will investigate AWARE’s programme.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

The Ministy of Education announces that AWARE’s sex education programme, and that of all other external vendors engaged by MOE schools, are suspended. This frustrates the Old Guard and progressive parents; on the other hand, New Guard members express relief and triumph.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

In an interview with The Straits Times, Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng warns LGBT activists to not be “strident” in demanding rights, while emphasising that religion should be kept out of secular matters. Wong describes media coverage of the AWARE Saga as “breathless”.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

The first Pink Dot event takes place at Hong Lim Park. More than 2,000 people show up, surprising the organisers, who include Alan Seah, Ching and Roy Tan.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao publishes an interview with Thio Su Mien, titled “‘Power grab’ was accidental”. Thio says that if she had really wanted to take over AWARE, she would have put together a “rainbow coalition” instead of a group that mostly attended the same church.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

The Ministry of Education announces a new policy mandating that all sexuality education programmes have to be approved by the Ministry. MOE says that AWARE is no longer allowed to run sexuality education programmes in schools until it has regained the public’s trust. Until today, this effective ban on AWARE has never been lifted.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

In a speech in Parliament, Thio’s daughter, Thio Li Ann, describes the media coverage of the AWARE Saga as biased. Member of Parliament Sin Boon Ann also questions if the press was motivated on some level by bias against Christianity.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

The Straits Times Editor Han Fook Kwang publishes an op-ed titled “How ST covered the story” refuting criticism of his paper’s coverage of the AWARE Saga.

AWARE Saga Timeline

If you'd like to avoid spoilers, read only the events that are covered in episodes you have listened to.



Mentioned in: Ep 12

Led by Dana, the new exco at AWARE discovers that the data of personnel who worked on the Comprehensive Sexuality Programme was posted online during the Saga. They file a police report.

The exco also commissions an internal review of the CSE programme. The review finds that, while sound, the content of the syllabus might have been worded with more nuance.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong mentions the AWARE Saga during his National Day Rally speech.




Mentioned in: Ep 12

AWARE implements Constitutional changes, including a new management structure from a 12-member exco to a seven-member board and executive director (Corinna Lim). It introduces new criteria for election to the Board, new criteria for membership and a disciplinary procedure for members who have acted against AWARE’s interests.

Episode One: Strangers